Current Exhibits

Cornbread and Challah: Exploring Southern Jewish Foodways

October 2023-Present

From Kaluszyn to Carolina: The Kalushiner Society in Charleston

May 2024-Present

Robert Jordan’s “The Wheel of Time”

Fall 2021-Present

This exhibit features materials from the author’s vast body of work, including literary drafts in various states of revision, correspondence, photographs, promotional materials, prop weapons, costumes, and personal effects.
On Display in Special Collections, Addlestone Library

Artifacts currently on display, including book editions in multiple languages.

John Rivers Communication Museum
September 2018 – present

A splendid showcase of media objects from the collections of the John Rivers Communication Museum.

Faculty Research Exhibit

Featuring College of Charleston faculty publications, this rotating display showcases a small selection of the scholarly work of the College of Charleston faculty members.  Copies of most of these books are in the stacks and available to be checked out to members of the campus community (or purchase in the CofC bookstore).